Golf Blog

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Do You Know Why You Shouldn't Use Music On Your Website?

Top five reasons why you shouldn't use music on your website

Just about everyday I come across a website that has music that "autoplay's" when you first enter a site. Using music or audio on your website can be a very useful tool when used correctly (i.e. having a play button, etc), however most people just put it on thier site because that can. That's the worst reason to have music on your site.

Here are five reasons that you shouldn't use music on your website:

1. Many people do personal searches at work

OK, so you've gotten a potential buyer to click a link to your website while they are at work. Once you site loads the audio comes on and startes playing its little song loudly! Guess what your potiental client is going to do?

Close the window with your site! That's the easiest way to stop the music on your site. Many people don't know how to adjust volume on thier computers. When you music starts blaring, your potential client will be worried about drawing attention to thier personal web search/shopping while they ae at work.

2. Just because you can doesn't mean you should

The webtemplate that you are using give you the option of using music. So you think, sure I'll put music on. Let's see what are the choices...none of the songs are your favorites, but since you have the option of using it you might as well...WRONG!

Just because you have the option doesn't mean you have to use it. For example my car comes with a cigarette lighter, I don't smoke, and don't feel compelled to just because my car has a lighter or ashtray.

3. Many people don't have the sound turned on anyway

If you music is so important to your site, how do you handle visitors that don't have the speakers on their computer turned on?

That's a great resaon to have a "play" button, and not just autoplay.

4. Adds to download time

The more crap a potential client's computer has to download. No matter how small a file is, it adds to the overall download time. If you have a commerce website you need to be aware of how long your site downloads on dial up and broadband connections. Everyone who clicks away because your website takes too long to load is money out of your pocket.

5. Doesn't enhance the shoppers experience

If your goal is to make money with your website, everything on your website should push every visitor towards buying. If something on your website doesn't help them click the buy button, then it's not necesary and a waste of time an energy.

So before you add Bon Jovi's Blaze of Glory that sounds like it was played on a 1980's Casio keyboard, consider if it enhances a shoppers experience or is just annoying!

Rules Are Made To Be Broken

Now before you email me to tell me that I'm wrong and that audio has a place on websites, I know that it does! Every rule has exceptions, and my goal with this article is to make you think before you just throw a crappy autoplay song on your website.

Louie Foxx

About the author

Louie Foxx runs the website that provides magic kits and magic tricks for kids ages 6-12.

This article is copyrighted by the author, but you are free to use it as long a the copyright notice remains and all links are included.

Louie Foxx is a professional magician based out of Seattle and he runs the website that sells kids magic kits.Aquin Blog37449
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